javidx9 | Forbidden C++ @javidx9 | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
The unimaginable evil of C++ is unleashed. Be afraid. Global Variables, Macros, Void*, Goto, Namespace STD, New & Delete, all the tools every C++ programmer needs... right?

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Forbidden C++Serialising/Deserialising Structured Memory To Disk, AKA Savin Stuff[LIVE] Code-It-Yourself! Sliding Block Puzzle GamesDithering with Floyd-Steinberg in C++Community Showcase Special: olc::BeatTheBoredomControlling Elegoo Robot Smart Car with ASIO and C++Coding Quickie: Integral ImagesOne Lone ShortDIY Programming Language #1: The Shunting Yard AlgorithmQuirky Quad Trees Part 2: Dynamic Objects In TreesDIY Programming Language #2: Tokenising with Finite State MachineIntrinsic Functions - Vector Processing Extensions

Forbidden C++ @javidx9