Institute of Noetic Sciences | Suzanne Giesemann shares an after death message from Edgar Mitchell @InstituteofNoeticSciences | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
In this short clip from ConnectIONS Live, guest Suzanne Giesemann discusses her work with Evidence-Based Mediumship and how she actually connected with IONS Founder Edgar Mitchell in a unique way! Read more about the full webinar here: https://noetic.org/blog/continuity-of-consciousness/

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Suzanne Giesemann shares an after death message from Edgar MitchellConnectIONS Live: Why Our Minds Wander: Understand the Science and Learn How to Focus Your ThoughtsConnectIONS Live: What are Earthbound Spirits? Scientific, Clinical and Personal PerspectivesMeditation for PeaceHelané Wahbeh speaks at the Beyond the Veil SummitNoetic Approaches to AgingConnectIONS Live: The Five Stages of Lucid DreamingVlog - Interview with Geneen Marie Haugen, PhDConnectIONS Live: Biofield Therapy & Energy HealingExperiencing Our Innerview   a Guided Meditation by Loretta  Hidalgo WhitesidesPhysical Mediumship Symposium (Part 2)Edgar Mitchell speaks about our understanding of the universe aboard USS Hornet

Suzanne Giesemann shares an after death message from Edgar Mitchell @InstituteofNoeticSciences