Institute of Noetic Sciences | Experiencing Our Innerview -- a Guided Meditation by Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides @InstituteofNoeticSciences | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
This meditation is an excerpt from the IONS ConnectIONS Live webinar on February 5, 2021 titled "Apollo 14 at 50: Celebrating Edgar Mitchell’s Epiphany, the Overview Effect, and the Mission of IONS."

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Experiencing Our Innerview   a Guided Meditation by Loretta  Hidalgo WhitesidesPhysical Mediumship Symposium (Part 2)Edgar Mitchell speaks about our understanding of the universe aboard USS Hornet

Experiencing Our Innerview -- a Guided Meditation by Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides @InstituteofNoeticSciences