See the Pattern | Mars' Liquid Water Mystery @SeethePattern | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 18 hours ago
Mars' Liquid Water Mystery

Back in 2018 scientists made a discovery on Mars that would change their understanding of Mars. Radar signals that had bounced just below the surface of Mars revealed a shiny patch. This patch was consistent with a pool of liquid water. Based on this finding they started to search for more of these signals and slowly more and more of them started to turn up revealing what looked like a network of underground lakes.

Up until this stage they had only ever been able to detect frozen water and this was the first indication that liquid water was still present on Mars. The next step was for them to explain how these underground lakes could still be liquid and here is where the mystery deepened. They discovered that some of these patches were in regions that are just too cold for liquid water, even with salt added which could lower the freezing point.

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Mars' Liquid Water Mystery @SeethePattern