LPPFusion | M87 - Is It Really a Black Hole? - Part 3 @LPPFusion | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 10 hours ago
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In part 3 of the Is it Really a Black Hole Series, LPPFusion (https://lppfusion.com) Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner shows that the M87 image could have been created by a plasmoid, not an almost black hole. A plasmoid is a magnetically-confined plasma object, which has been widely studied in the laboratory, in the Suns atmosphere, in the solar system and elsewhere in space.

Heres a good technical paper about solar plasmoids: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.04881.pdf and here is one about the role of plasmoids in the formation of stars like our sun: digital.csic.es/bitstream/10261/25867/2/articulo17_2006_ingles.pdf

A plasmoid with matter in it moving close to the speed of light would look very much like the M87 image if its axis was pointed close to our line of sight. Observations indicate that M87s axis is indeed pointed to within about 15 degrees of us. See for example this paper: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/395/1/301/1080009

But a plasmoid seen from the side, 90 degrees from its axis, would look very different, like a crescent moon. The object at the center of our galaxy, called Sagittarius A* or Sgr A* is viewed from the side. So far, astronomers have observed no hint of the black hole shadow, the doughnut shape they expected to see. For example, the images on p.11 of this paper from November, 2018, https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08394, show no shadow at all. (No crescent either.) So, if, as everyone thinks, Sgr A* and M87 are similar objects, although at very different scales, the M87 image could be either an almost black hole or a plasmoid.

Could an almost black hole (ABH) and a plasmoid co-exist in the same object? Perhapsif the ABH was much smaller than the plasmoid. A large one would disrupt the flow of current through the center of the plasmoid. A plasmoid with about equally-powerful gravitational and magnetic fields, rotating at perhaps one third to two-thirds the speed of light is the most probable configuration, but more detailed calculations and observations are needed for certainty.
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M87 - Is It Really a Black Hole? - Part 3 @LPPFusion