LPPFusion | Experiment Preparations; Thu. July 29 '21 6:03PM @LPPFusion | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 16 hours ago
LPPFusion's research scientist, Dr. Syed Hassan, found few seconds to talk to LPPFusion's CIO Ivy Karamitsos-Zivkovic, to tell us what's happening just before the new experiment is about to run.

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Experiment Preparations; Thu. July 29 21 6:03PMPanic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 2The Big Bang Never Happened   Debate 2M87 - Is It Really a Black Hole? - Part 1Maxwells Equations What They MeanBig Bang Wrong Again: Why Dark Matter Mystery MattersShowing off our new scopeUnidentified Kitchen Object - Part 1.5LPPFusion Presentation at ITER International WorkshopThe Big Bang Never Happened   Debate 3M87 - Is It Really a Black Hole? - Part 5Aug 6th 21- saving the spectrometer graph

Experiment Preparations; Thu. July 29 '21 6:03PM @LPPFusion