Life Through The Lens | Nisha Purushothaman | TEDxMEC  @TEDx
Life Through The Lens | Nisha Purushothaman | TEDxMEC  @TEDx
TEDx Talks | Life Through The Lens | Nisha Purushothaman | TEDxMEC @TEDx | Updated June 30 2024
Life Through The Lens | Nisha Purushothaman | TEDxMEC @TEDxWhen Conspiracy Theories Threaten Friendships | Wes Regan | TEDxSurreySalon @TEDxPronouns, Pride and the history of language #shorts #tedx @TEDxSpeak Out and Stand Out | Jemima Akosua Okaikor Okai | TEDxUniversityofCapeCoast @TEDxEmbracing agripreneurs in the future of farming | Sulemana Mohammed | TEDxUniversityofCapeCoast @TEDxThe power of connection | Melanie Stehmeier | TEDxYouth@AICS | Melanie Stehmeier | TEDxYouth@AICS @TEDxWhy I advocate for period destigmatization | Mia Wen | TEDxShahe Street Salon @TEDxRipples of Change in Nepal | Philip Holmes | TEDxUWE @TEDxSeize the Power of Now: Embracing YOLO with Purpose  | Elvira Tanjung | TEDxAvicenna Cinere School @TEDxHow social media impacts self-image | Kate Irving | TEDxRossall School @TEDxWho Are You? | Nancy Holyhead | TEDxRossall School @TEDxCreative Journey:The Art of Seeing People as Human Beings  | Dimas Djay | TEDxAvicenna Cinere School @TEDxDriven to Walk | Joshua Brandenburg | TEDxYouth@AICS @TEDxUn virage scientifique dans laccompagnement des sportifs | Rémi Carmigniani | TEDxEcoleDesPonts @TEDxLinévitable égoïsme du don | Hind Tanouti | TEDxEcoleDesPonts @TEDxReimagining Resilience Through Storytelling | Dominique Marissa Vigil | TEDxUWCAdriatic @TEDxOù sont les artistes femmes ? | Nina Meisel | TEDxEcoleDesPonts @TEDxRenoncer : un levier écologique essentiel mais inexploré | Côme Girschig | TEDxEcoleDesPonts @TEDxThe need for a global shift in traditional education systems | Arissa Sariya Roy | TEDxUWCAdriatic @TEDxSimon Weissberg - Une histoire de sample | Simon Weissberg | TEDxEcoleDesPonts @TEDxPost with Purpose | Leah Lee Lescornec | TEDxUWCAdriatic @TEDxWhat does the software of the future look like? | Sara Bergman | TEDxFrogner Youth @TEDxHow basic science constructs our reality | Dr. Reetika Joshi | TEDxFrogner Youth @TEDxBeyond the bubble: Escaping your comfort zone | Imam Diongue | TEDxYouth@AICS @TEDxBack Yourself! | Christopher Deans | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxThe Social Contract. Is Blind trust worth it? | Barra McCluskey | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxThe Nature of Time and Space | James Whelan | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxPillars of Health | Conor Wynne Walsh | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxAnxiety and Dr. Weekes | Damien Clarke | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxNanotecnologie per la medicina del Futuro | Fabio Fontana | TEDxPordenone @TEDxTwitter Turbochared! | David Levin | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxThe Future of Music | Sarah Dunne | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxThe Power of You | Helen Walsh | TEDxBelvedere College Youth @TEDxDid Being Nice Go Out of Style? | Agnes Øye | TEDxFrogner Youth @TEDxClimate Justice, Sustainability and the future | Chisom Udeze | TEDxFrogner Youth @TEDxThe Double-Edged Sword of AGI and Human Consciousness | Klas Pettersen | TEDxFrogner Youth @TEDxUne décennie comme par magie | Jonathan Barragan | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDx一個人的武林,二十年磨一劍 | 孫 家閎 | TEDxTaipei Fuhsing Private School @TEDxDu bon usage de lempathie | Charlotte Vautier | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxFemme de moto, lélégance féminine | Emily Bondi | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxEchecs et persévérance : les secrets de la réussite | Fahim Mohammad | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxHow I started my own creative agency | Caden Velasquez | TEDxUCDavis @TEDxThe Power in Pleasure  | Alyssa Ljubicich | TEDxUCDavis @TEDxLiving with an undiagnosed condition | E. Katia Moritz | TEDxUCDavis @TEDxSetting first-generation students up for success | Joel Ledford | TEDxUCDavis @TEDxThe wonders of milk | Russ Hovey | TEDxUCDavis @TEDxUne vie dans lextrême | Loury Lag | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxTrois secrets d’artistes pour grandir et construire l’avenir | Grégoire Jeanmonod | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxVivre la vie ou la théoriser | Robin Rivière | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxVous serez ce que vous dites. | Pierre Faury | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDxEt si vos émotions étaient la clé de votre avenir ?  | Lucile Paul-Chevance | TEDxIESEGParis @TEDx

Life Through The Lens | Nisha Purushothaman | TEDxMEC @TEDx