LPPFusion | Impossible Galaxies @LPPFusion | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 hour ago
In the fourth episode of LPPFusion video series, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner shows how data from the ALMA telescope further contradicts the Big Bang, expanding universe model. Independent measures of the sizes of distant galaxies shows that the Big Bang formulae for sizes can't be right--they would lead to impossible galaxies that have smaller size than these independent measures permit. But the galaxies are real--it is the Big Bang hypothesis that is impossible.

Help fund this independent research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr): https://wefunder.com/lppfusion If you are following these videos, please know that this research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasma we gain from studying the universe is directly helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time--for only 50 cents a day! Fusion needs you! Current Wefunder campaign ends Dec.9!

Here is the scientific report on the ALMA data: arXiv:2206.01886v2
Some of the data our analysis is based on: arXiv:1910.09517v2
See figure 7 here to see impossible galaxies--those with gas masses larger than the total mass when calculated with Big Bang formulae: arXiv:2108.13442v1

For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: https://youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg
To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: https://youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE
To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: https://youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc
You can read the technical papers that describe in detail why the Big Bang hypothesis is contradicted by observations for yourself, even though they were censored by the cosmological orthodoxen:
Impossible GalaxiesAl Samuels: Why Invest In LPPFusionPanic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 1Which Switch Has a Witch? - Investigation Into Negative Voltage PulseBig Bang: Tweak it or throw it out?Unidentified Kitchen Object - Part 2.2Resolving LCDM Model Tension with JWST Cosmic Dawn ObservationsDialog on the Big Bang Debate: Dr Rajendra Gupta and Eric LernerThe Cosmic Expansion Hypothesis is Falsified, the Universe is not ExpandingDialogs on the Big Bang Debate: Dr Francesco Sylos-LabiniEpisode 8 Goodbye to the Big BangPhysics Involved in a Non-Expanding Tired-Light-Dominated Universe

Impossible Galaxies @LPPFusion