LPPFusion | Panic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 1 @LPPFusion | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
In Part 1 of LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner’s July 26, 2022 online presentation, he explains the background to the panic caused by JWST’s images to supporters of the Big Bang hypothesis. Since 2014, the evidence against the latest (dark-matter-dark-energy) version of the Big Bang theory has built up. Prior to JWST, the theory’s predictions were contradicted by 16 different sets of observations and confirmed by only one—the abundance of deuterium. Papers summarizing why the Big Bang hypothesis is invalid have been censored by major journals and even by the open pre-print website arXiv. A paper by Lerner and colleague Riccardo Scarpa which predicted what JWST would find on the basis of a non-expanding universe, with no Big Bang, was similarly censored.

Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr) : wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy.The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.

You can read the censored papers for yourself here: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesis
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Panic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 1 @LPPFusion