LPPFusion | The Cosmic Expansion Hypothesis is Falsified, the Universe is not Expanding @LPPFusion | Uploaded 9 months ago | Updated 56 minutes ago
In the sixth and final presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Eric Lerner, LPPFusion, Inc. and Dr. Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, show that the JWST data demonstrate that cosmic expansion can't be occurring. Cosmic evolution can be explained without expansion or a Big Bang. (This is a 2023 workshop--typo in opening slide.)

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Technical papers :
Over all papers (not yet peer reviewed) on Big Bang and alternatives:

The Big Bang Never Happened – A Reassessment of the Galactic Origin of Light Elements (GOLE) Hypothesis and its Implications, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21108.63366 (2022)

Observations of Large-Scale Structures Contradict the Predictions of the Big Bang Hypothesis But Confirm Plasma Theory, Eric J Lerner, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26141.79844 (2022)

Our paper predicting correctly what JWST will find:

Will LCDM cosmology survive the James Webb Space Telescope? Riccardo Scarpa, Eric J Lerner, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361208585 (2022)

PEER_REVIEWED papers on HST results on surface brightness.

Observations contradict galaxy size and surface brightness predictions that are based on the expanding universe hypothesis, Eric J Lerner, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 3185, 2018

UV surface brightness of galaxies from the local universe to z ∼ 5, Eric J. Lerner, Renato Falomo, Riccardo Scarpa, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 23, 1450058 (2014) https://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0275
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The Cosmic Expansion Hypothesis is Falsified, the Universe is not Expanding @LPPFusion