Quick Biochemistry Basics | DNA repair Photoreactivation @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
DNA repair by Photoreactivation. This is a DNA repair mechanism in which the enzyme DNA photolyase removes the pyrimidine dimers form the DNA. The binding of photolyase with the dimer occurs in dark, where as the catalysis of dimer removal requires light. Hence this phenomenon is known as photoreactivation.
DNA repair PhotoreactivationProline BiosynthesisElectrophoresisEmulsion PCRFluorescence in-situ hybridization | FISHInductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopyProtein PurificationYeast two hybrid system | Protein - protein interactionEnzyme immobilizationNick translationThe Lac operon | Regulation of gene expressionProkaryotic Ribosomes | 70S Ribosomes

DNA repair Photoreactivation @quickbiochemistrybasics