Quick Biochemistry Basics | Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 4 months ago | Updated 1 day ago
Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP-ES) is an amazing technique, that uses plasma for the detection of elements in the sample. The plasma is generated by argon gas. Using RF coils alternating magnetic filed is generated. Under the influence of this magnetic field, the argon ions gets
accelerated and moves under circular path. The accelerated argon ions collides with other argon atoms and generates more argon ions. This ionized gas so formed is called plasma. The plasma causes excitation of sample
atoms which further generates emission spectra.
Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopyProtein PurificationYeast two hybrid system | Protein - protein interactionEnzyme immobilizationNick translationThe Lac operon | Regulation of gene expressionProkaryotic Ribosomes | 70S RibosomesRFLP | Restriction Fragment Length PolymorphismElectron microscope | TEM | SEM | Cryo EMGlyoxylate cycleSpectrophotometerHFR | High Frequency Recombination

Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy @quickbiochemistrybasics