Quick Biochemistry Basics | Protein Purification @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
To study a particular protein present in the cell, The protein must be purified. The cells are first lysed using detergent and centrifuged to separate cell derbies. During protein purification the nucleic acids are removed by DNAse and RNASe and the remaining protein in the mixture is precipitated by the addition of salt (salting out) in an increasing order. Further purification of protein is carried out by various chromatography techniques.
Protein PurificationYeast two hybrid system | Protein - protein interactionEnzyme immobilizationNick translationThe Lac operon | Regulation of gene expressionProkaryotic Ribosomes | 70S RibosomesRFLP | Restriction Fragment Length PolymorphismElectron microscope | TEM | SEM | Cryo EMGlyoxylate cycleSpectrophotometerHFR | High Frequency RecombinationSouthern Blot

Protein Purification @quickbiochemistrybasics