Strange Loop Conference | "Disaster Recovery Options running Apache Kafka in Kubernetes" by Geetha Anne (Strange Loop 2022) @StrangeLoopConf | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Deploying a disaster recovery strategy for your Apache Kafka workloads can increase availability and reliability of your mission critical applications by minimizing data loss and downtime during unexpected disasters. So architecting a perfect Kubernetes based Kafka deployment requires careful consideration of several edge case scenarios. In this session, you will learn about :

* Successful disaster recovery strategies in Kafka ecosystem like Active-active, Active-passive replication, multi regional stretched clusters etc.,
* How some of these DR techniques evolve, when Kubernetes is the chosen deployment platform
* Automation or CI/CD tools that will help achieve this.

Geetha Anne
Event Streaming Jedi

Geetha Anne is a Solutions engineer at Confluent with previous experience in executing solutions for data driven business problems on cloud, involving data warehousing and real-time streaming analytics. She has fallen in love with distributed computing during her undergrad days and followed her interest ever since. She enjoys teaching complex technical concepts to both tech savvy and general audiences.

NOTE: Due to technical issues this talk was re-recorded after the conference without a live audience.

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"Disaster Recovery Options running Apache Kafka in Kubernetes" by Geetha Anne (Strange Loop 2022) @StrangeLoopConf