Strange Loop Conference | "The Lemniscate" by Ann Johnson, Charles Comstock @StrangeLoopConf | Uploaded 11 months ago | Updated 2 days ago
Lemniscate editor: https://dgtized.github.io/lemniscate/

0:00 Intro
1:15 Artist Bios
3:00 Concept
5:30 System Architecture
7:08 Browser Kiosk
9:48 Microcontroller
11:05 Sculpture
12:13 Programming Animations for the Sculpture *
15:01 Language Basics
16:23 Color Modes
18:06 Pixel Variables and Constants
19:05 Pixel Coordinates Map
20:47 Functions
23:18 User Variables
24:10 Live Programming Demo *
28:11 Live Sculpture Response
29:00 MIDI History and Info
32:10 MIDI Events
34:26 Midi Input Details
37:15 MIDI Input Live Demo *
40:50 Console Logging on the Kiosk
41:12 Custom MIDI Instrument Demo
43:19 Structure of a MIDI Packet
43:45 Design Constraints and Interfaces
47:09 Thank You!
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"The Lemniscate" by Ann Johnson, Charles Comstock @StrangeLoopConf