Strange Loop Conference | "Sniffing the Metaverse" by Benjamin Cabé (Strange Loop 2022) @StrangeLoopConf | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 2 days ago
Over the last decade, AI has been infused into everyday applications, helping us find the relevant information, tell the difference between a dog and a muffin but smelling things for us is not one of them. An electronic nose can detect lung cancer, help in explosive material detection, industrial level food and resource monitoring and more. How can you train your data to solve your specific problems? How do you make sense of large-scale real-time sensor data? How does Metaverse connect to the physical world through sensors?

In this talk we will show you how we solve a big developer problem, how to find the freshest coffee in your office building. Beyond solving our silly first world problem with AI, we will tell you the story of the 13 year old who actually use the sensors to detect fungal pneumonia. Our demo will walk you through the tools that solve bigger problems on larger scales like Machine Learning, Digital Twins(IoT) and Spatial Anchors(Augmented Reality) .

Benjamin Cabé
Principal Program Manager, Azure IoT - Microsoft

Benjamin is a technology enthusiast with a passion for empowering developers to build innovative solutions. A long-time open source advocate, he co-founded the Eclipse IoT Working Group in 2011 and grew from scratch a vibrant open-source community of hundreds of developers and dozens of deeply engaged companies. He is currently working at Microsoft as a Principal Program Manager for Azure IoT, where he is leading developer engagement initiatives with some of the top communities and companies in the embedded, AI, and open hardware space.

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"Sniffing the Metaverse" by Benjamin Cabé (Strange Loop 2022) @StrangeLoopConf