Grants Pass TV Repair | Biden Dislikes Are Being Removed From White House Channel. Check info section. @GrantsPassTVRepair | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 2 hours ago
While watching a video by Joe Biden on the White House channel, I accidently re-loaded the same video in a new tab, and I noticed the number of dislikes had been instantly lowered from 2,500 to only 657. I also noticed there was a second link to this same White house video which shows 491 likes and 8.2K dislikes as you can see on the links below.

Four curiosity sake I recorded the likes Vs dislikes at different dates and sometimes the same day to see how they continue to change over time. Here's what I've come up with so far.
Link #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzTPMlsw9LQ&t=2554s
Link #1 had--------------------------256 likes and--------- 2.5K dislikes with ---13,005 views on 2-12-2021,
Same day --------------------------- 257 likes-and --------- 657 dislikes with---- 13,266 views on 2-12-2021.
At the moment it's----------------259 likes and ----------687 dislikes with----13,615 views on 2-20-2021
Three days later-------------------258 likes and-----------688 dislikes with----13,641 views on 2-23-2021
Four days later---------------------258 likes and ----------688 dislikes with----13,651 views on 2-24-2021
Eight days later-------------------258 likes and -----------689 dislikes with-----13,668 views on 2-28-2021
Sixteen days later---------------258 likes and------------688 dislikes with-----13,688 views on 3-5-2021
Thirty Three days later-------258 likes and -----------691 dislikes with-----13,733 views on 3-22-2021
Forty Nine days later----------258 likes and-------------710 dislikes with----13,804 views on 4-7-2021
Seventy Three days -----------258 likes and ------------711 dislikes with-----13,828 views on 5-1 2021

Link #2 has so many dislikes it should be interesting to see if these numbers are also changed in the days to come. Link #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc2PWzOnnKQ
Link #2 now has -----491 likes and ---8.2 K dislikes with -61,059 views on 2-20-2021.
Two days later---------498 likes and----8.2K dislikes with -62,469 views on 2-22-2021
Three days later-------505 likes and ---8.4K dislikes with-62,977 views on 2-23-2021
Three days later-------508 likes and ---8.3K dislikes with-63,987 views on 2-23-2021
Four days later---------509 likes and ---8.2K dislikes with-64,160 views on 2-24-2021
Eight days later--------510 likes and ---8.2k dislikes with 65,230 views on 2-28-2021
Sixteen days later-----512 likes and---8.2k dislikes with 65,684 views on 3-5-2021
Thirty Three days -----513 likes and --8.2k dislikes with 66,059 views on 3-22-2021
Forty Nine days ------514 likes and --8.3 k dislikes with 66,443 views on 4-7-2021
Seventy Three days--515 likes and--8.3 k dislikes with 66,588 views on 5-1-2021

We use to be able to see all the negative comments under the white house videos by viewing them right after they are uploaded, but they only remained posted for an hour or less before they were removed and no further comments are allowed.
Click below to see the White House videos and look at their ratings.

CBS and NBC uploaded this same video, and they did allow the comments to remain, but since they are mostly positive, it's interesting to see that the likes don't correlate to all the negative comments. I suspect these numbers are also being altered.
CBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGJRn0hJRhE
903 likes and 767 dislikes. 38,460 views in spite of the mostly negative comments. 2-24-2021

NBC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmDlP_iyy2U
1000 likes and 305 dislikes. 38,152 views in spite of the mostly negative comments. 2-24-2021

PBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnU_guo5oiw 366 likes and 115 dislikes. Comments are not allowed on this video. 2-24-2021

Unfortunatly Youtube is about to remove the dislike indicator from their platform, so the days of being able to quickly evaluate a videos content based on the audience likes or dislikes will soon be a thing of the past.
Here are some other links where youtube creators have also noticed Biden dislikes being removed.

I understand how some areas tend to be more or less conservative than others, but what do these likes Vs Dislikes say about the politics of youtube viewers? Are we more inclined to be thinking people with a broader grasp on political issues?

Here's an interesting site where someone produced a series of statistics showing how the White Hourse videos rate in comparison to other popular youtube channels.

Even my own video here has some interesting analytics. I'm unable to show the graph in this text mode, but it looks like a stair case in terms of popularity. it seems to go viral for a while, and then it levels off.
On Saturday April 10 it has 5004 views with 385 likes and 34 dislikes, That's almost 5000 views in just three days under Two months.
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Biden Dislikes Are Being Removed From White House Channel. Check info section. @GrantsPassTVRepair