Strange Loop Conference | "Art you can make by spying on yourself with your phone" by Kate Hollenbach (Strange Loop 2022) @StrangeLoopConf | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Throughout the day, a person gazes at their phone. Does the phone gaze back? What if it did? This talks shares a series of video works created with custom software called phonelovesyoutoo, an Android application that lovingly watches its user's activities by capturing video from the phone's front camera, back camera, and screen. The works explore what mobile devices see when they observe human bodies and how human presence is split between physical and virtual planes.

Kate Hollenbach
Artist, programmer, professor

Kate Hollenbach is an artist, programmer, and educator based in Denver, Colorado, US. She creates video and interactive works examining critical issues in user interface and user experience design with a focus on user habits, data collection, and surveillance. Her art practice is informed by years of professional experience and as an interface designer and product developer. Formerly Director of Design and Computation at Oblong Industries, she led an interdisciplinary team of designers and programmers to develop cutting edge user experiences for collaborative environments and new interaction models for gestural devices. Kate holds an MFA from UCLA Design Media Arts and a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Emergent Digital Practices at University of Denver and serves on the Board of Directors for the Processing Foundation.
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"Art you can make by spying on yourself with your phone" by Kate Hollenbach (Strange Loop 2022) @StrangeLoopConf