Quick Biochemistry Basics | AFLP | Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
AFLP stands for Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. in this technique, the DNA is first isolated and subjected to restriction digestion with one or two restriction enzymes. Once fragmented the fragments are attached with short sequences called adapters and further used for PCR amplification. The fragments are separated and transferred to a membrane, followed by detection using a labeled probe.
AFLP | Amplified Fragment Length PolymorphismAdsorption chromatographyTryptophan operondifferential centrifugeHPLC | High performance liquid chromatographyAbbes equation and Numerical apertureNorthern BlotLeucine zipper motifFehling testtRNA | Discovery of tRNATranscription Mediated Amplification | Nucleic Acid Sequence Based AmplificationMembers of Glycolysis | Chemistry of Glycolysis

AFLP | Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism @quickbiochemistrybasics