Quick Biochemistry Basics | Fehling test @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Fehling's test is a biochemical test used to detect aldose monosaccharides. Aldehydes gives positive fehling's test while ketones give negative fehling test. however some ketones like alpha hydroxy ketones (eg fructose) does give positive fehling reaction. During this reaction the aldehyde group is oxidised to acid while the copper ions are reduced to red/brown precipitate of copper oxide. This is a common test used to detect glucose in urine as positive indication of diabetes.
Fehling testtRNA | Discovery of tRNATranscription Mediated Amplification | Nucleic Acid Sequence Based AmplificationMembers of Glycolysis | Chemistry of GlycolysisRestriction EnzymesProperties of proteins | Protein PropertiesSDS PAGE | Stacking vs Resolving gelProtein Kinase ABright field microscopyBase excision repairMaxam Gilbert sequencingDiscovery of Cytokinins | Function of cytokinins

Fehling test @quickbiochemistrybasics