TEDx Talks | | Atsushi Fukuyama | TEDxKeioHighSchool @TEDx | Uploaded 6 days ago | Updated 1 day ago

2011 20162018M&A2020DORIRUM&A2023 / Atsushi Fukuyama graduated from the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University in 2011.
After joining CyberAgent, he became independent in 2016 and founded LaserBeam Inc. He launched a crowdsourcing service, and he conducted the M&A of Showcase Inc. in 2018, as well as the M&A of sales support company DORIRU (formerly known as GigSales) in 2020. He also became the owner of the Kagawa Olive Guyners baseball team in 2023.
He is also a lecturer (business practice/exploration course) at Keio Senior High School and Kamakura Gakuen High School. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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| Atsushi Fukuyama | TEDxKeioHighSchool @TEDx