TEDx Talks | Uncharted Skies: A Teen's Journey to Personal Fulfillment | Tapash Baniwal | TEDxDikshantSchool @TEDx | Uploaded 2 days ago | Updated 1 day ago
In this TEDx talk, Tapash, a grade XII student, shares his journey of navigating the complexities of adolescence and discovering his passion for aircraft photography. From his early fascination with airplanes to overcoming personal setbacks and finding joy in his interests, Tapash reveals how pursuing what he loves has brought him contentment and connection. Join him as he explores how passion and perseverance can guide us through the ups and downs of life, even when the future remains uncertain.
Tapash is a passionate aviation photographer who recently had the opportunity to capture the airshow at Sukhna Lake. One of his photographs has been featured in Vayu Aerospace This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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Uncharted Skies: A Teen's Journey to Personal Fulfillment | Tapash Baniwal | TEDxDikshantSchool @TEDx