Jacob Sorber | You've probably never accessed a file like this before. (Async IO example) @JacobSorber | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 18 hours ago
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You've probably never accessed a file like this before. (Async IO example) // Asynchronous input and output is cool, but rarely used. In this video, I'll show you how to split-phase your file reads so you can get other things done in the meantime. This can be a useful alternative to threads, for those of you trying to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your programs.

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About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab.

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You've probably never accessed a file like this before. (Async IO example) @JacobSorber