Jacob Sorber | Scanf Basics: the good, the bad, and why so many pointers? @JacobSorber | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 18 hours ago
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Scanf Basics: the good, the bad, and why so many ampersands? We're talking about scanf today, the function you might need, even if it isn't the function you want. We talk about its strengths and weaknesses, how it works, and why you have to put those pesky ampersands in front of the arguments.


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About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab.

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Scanf Basics: the good, the bad, and why so many pointers?How to Check Your Pointers at RuntimeHow to get an IP address from a host name? (Example in C)How to get better help with your programming.How to write your own COVID-19 simulator (C++).

Scanf Basics: the good, the bad, and why so many pointers? @JacobSorber