rockets push off air | YOU CAN SEE THE WIRE!!!! NASA CROOKS TOTALLY TOTALLY BUSTED!!!! @rocketspushoffair | Uploaded June 2014 | Updated October 2024, 6 hours ago.
weneverwenttothemoon.com you need a BIG SCREEN to see the wire really good!!!


{Because they can't talk, they would be crushed. They wait that there are enough people protesting, scientists demanding explanations before talking. Then they'll talk, once they feel supported.}

{The Moon Landing recorded what actually happened, right? If and only IF what actually happened was exactly what we saw on the movie, there were only 2 people who were there... and EVERYBODY else, including 400 NASA monitors saw the whole thing on a CRT screen. That being unarguably so, NASA management MUST say to itself....we have, ahem, suffered a coupla minor mishaps to date, maybe it would be smart to get ready for the Moon Landing to be, er, less than 100% successful... in which case how do we present what to the WWW? The obvious answer: get the video production team to shoot a convincing show for the watching world. Okay.... some scenes will have an actual real live rocket, really filmed in stereo sound and 3-D imagination from a real Bell and Howell camera on a real Miller-head tripod...but the other "real" stuff will be the fab lunar landscape in the studio.... all the background stuff the actors were given to rehearse their every move in. That's what we saw. Why would NASA spend another $200 BILLION bucks finishing off an actual production when ti already had the entire movie IN THE CAN.
JFK was way past caring.... Tricky Dicky had other problems pressing.... and the WholeWideWorld was in a mood to swallow hooks on any lines as long as the price was right. Every one of the 400 chosen few NASA monitors was operating under military rules, "need-to-know" secrecy. Every pair of eyeballs believed the story on the screen in front of them.}

{All of the points you made are in fact false. The reason Von Braun went and picked up Meteorites from the ice pack was that they needed to fake the Moon rocks for the fake apollo moonlanding sham. Do you think you can get that part of it?

We did not have ICBM's in 1959 which could reach Moscow, you are lying through your teeth. The rocket program was hardly off the ground in 59'.

Media from the library equals truth YDDES??? LMFAO!!! You have not even made it to first base in the effort to free yourself from the lies which make up your heavily indoctrinated belief system, which is fully owned by the Corporations which run this hell hole planet

Nothing could be further from the truth Libraries are censored to the extreme. Only mind control garbage which backs the lies of tptb gets there, or on the idiot box, in the newspapers and mags of the mind control media}

{ telegraph.co.uk/science/space/6105902/Moon-rock-given-to-Holland-by-Neil-Armstrong-and-Buzz-Aldrin-is-fake.html Curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the "lunar rock", valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood. Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation, said the museum would continue to keep the stone as a curiosity. "It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," she said. "We can laugh about it." The rock was given to Willem Drees, a former Dutch leader, during a global tour by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin following their moon mission 50 years ago. J. William Middendorf, the former American ambassador to the Netherlands, made the presentation to Mr Drees and the rock was then donated to the Rijksmuseum after his death in 1988. "I do remember that Drees was very interested in the little piece of stone. But that it's not real, I don't know anything about that," Mr Middendorf said. Nasa gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in 1969 and the 1970s. The United States Embassy in The Hague is carrying out an investigation into the affair. Researchers Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests. "It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation.}

{ I was there in 1969 to watch the saturn 5 lift off live.But this does not prove man walked on the moon.All it does prove it took off from the launch pad climbed up to 400000 feet then.The stages of the rocket fell into the sea and most broke up and some more parts drifted around in space in low earth orbit and some burnt up in the thermal barrier.Saturn 5 never got used any more after that many parts had to be scrapped what was left.The question is what really happened to the module????.And why was not another saturn 5 rocket ever built.I worked on her and was upset about this for many reasons. NADINE Staufenbiel }
YOU CAN SEE THE WIRE!!!! NASA CROOKS TOTALLY TOTALLY BUSTED!!!!MIDNIGHT SUN CANNOT BE FILMED FROM TILTED DOMED MERRY-GO-ROUND only on flat earth(KillerSpray.com) LOVE HURTS Gabriela GunčíkováWHY SPINNING OBJECTS EXPLODE (ignore false comparison linear radius & exponential centrifugal force)Spike Protein Molecular Biology glycine zippers and protein foldingITS A FCKN SPRAY! STUPID! chemtrails by Doctor Nicholas killerspray.comUNITED NATIONS SAYS GOD IS THE SNAKE LUCIFER - world core curriculumSCAM! SCAM! SCAM! WHEN ARE YOU ALL GOING TO WAKE UP!!!! {nosuchthingasgreenhousegas.com}APPARENT SUN vs REAL SUN flat earth deniers outragedFLAT EARTH ANIMATION with Sun Moon and RahuUNANSWERED BLOW TO HELIOCENTRISM kills globe proves flat earth (no ads)Start Speaking Out! [FREEDOM & PROSPERITY] COUP D’ÉTAT {FINAL DEATH BLOW} Start Speaking Out!