Gwyneth Angharad | Y Siapanwr a Ddysgodd Cymraeg / The Japanese man who Learnt Welsh @GwynethAngharad | Uploaded January 2021 | Updated October 2024, 13 minutes ago.
(Translation below)

Dysgodd Takeshi Koike i siarad Cymraeg pan aeth o i fyw yng Nghymru (Llanebdr Pont Steffan) yn 1992. Ar ôl disgyn mewn cariad gyda'r iaith, penderfynnodd o ddysgu'r Gymraeg! Mae o'n ddarlithydd ym mhrifysgol Daito Bunka, Tokyo, ac yn ogystal a dysgu ieithyddiaeth Saesneg, mae o'n cynnig cwrs Cymraeg!

Gan fy mod i wedi byw yn Siapan rhwng 2010 ac 2011 ac wedi dysgu dipyn bach o Siapaneg fy hun, 'roedd yn rhaid i mi gysylltu hefo fo i ddarganfod mwy. 'Roedd Takeshi yn hapus i roi cyfweliad i mi.. AC yr wythnos ar ôl ffilmio'r cyfweliad yma, mi ges i ymuno â'i wers Gymraeg (dros Zoom, wrth gwrs) i gyflwyno fy hun, siarad dipyn bach o Gymraeg, sôn am Gymru a codi cywilydd ar fy hun wrth geisio atgyfodi fy hen sgiliau Siapaneg...

ENGLISH: Takeshi Koike learnt to speak Welsh when he went to live in Wales (Lampeter) in 1992. After falling in love with the language, he decided to learn Welsh. He is a lecturer in Tokyo's Daito Bunka University, where he teaches not only English Linguistics but also Welsh!

As I lived in Japan between 2010 and 2011 and had learnt a bit of Japanese myself, I just had to get in touch with him to find out more. Takeshi was happy to give me an interview... AND the week after filming this, I joined one of his Welsh lessons (over Zoom, of course) to introduce myself, speak a bit of Welsh, talk about Wales and embarrass myself by trying to resurrect my old Japanese skills (as you see at the start of this video)!!
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Y Siapanwr a Ddysgodd Cymraeg / The Japanese man who Learnt Welsh @GwynethAngharad