Grants Pass TV Repair | What's More Dangerous. Voltage Or Amperage? Don't Try This At Home. @GrantsPassTVRepair | Uploaded 6 months ago | Updated 3 hours ago
In this video I ask the question. What's more dangerous. Voltage Or Amperage. I think the best answer is both can be harmless, and both can be deadly, but it depends on the resistance of the load you're applying your power to, and how much current and voltage you have combined. In this video I demonstrate how I can zap my hand with thousands of volts, but it doesn't produce much pain due to the current being so low. I also demonstrate how a potentially high current source can also be harmless, if your voltage is to low to pass much current through a resistive path such as my dry hand,
Because it takes very little current to kill a human being, one must be very cautious when working with high voltages which are combined with high currents, such as one would find on the output of a microwave oven transformer. Microwave oven transformers are extremely dangerous, as they produce high voltages combined with high currents, so unless you fully understand the potential dangers of using one, please don't experiment with them...
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What's More Dangerous. Voltage Or Amperage? Don't Try This At Home. @GrantsPassTVRepair