Space Mog | What happens when you fall into a black hole? @SpaceMog | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Welcome to my channel! I'm Dr Maggie Lieu and I make youtube videos about space & astronomy. Have you ever wondered what happens when you fall into a black hole? Even though no one has ever fallen into one, we can hypothesise what would happen if you fell into one, and it turns out that exactly what that is, will depend on the type of black hole in question. In this video I will talk about black holes, from stellar mass black holes, to supermassive blackholes and charged and spinning black holes.

Extra reading:
Wormholes: https://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0306051
Wald: General Relativity
Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler: Gravitation

Media credits:
MW : NASA/ESA/Holwerda
triple star system: ESO/calcada
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What happens when you fall into a black hole? @SpaceMog