Indigo Code | WebGL Shadow Mapping Tutorial - 1 - Set Up a Scene @IndigoCode | Uploaded 8 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
In this three-part video series, I explain how shadow mapping can be implemented in WebGL. Similar concepts may be easily applied to OpenGL programming in general, and an experienced DirectX programmer can probably learn how to use shadow mapping from these videos as well.

In this video, I only create a room scene, with a few static objects and one animated object.

A live demo of this tutorial is available here: http://www.kamaron.me/tutorial-live/webgl/shadow-mapping/Video1/?texSize=1024

Source code as of end of this video: http://www.kamaron.me/tutorial-live/webgl/shadow-mapping/Video1.zip

(Change the texSize= to 512, 256, 128 to improve performance or 2048 to improve quality)

Finished Tutorial Source: https://github.com/sessamekesh/IndigoCS-webgl-tutorials

glMatrix download: http://glmatrix.net/
async download: https://github.com/caolan/async
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WebGL Shadow Mapping Tutorial - 1 - Set Up a Scene @IndigoCode