Indigo Code | WebGL Tutorial 04 - Loading External Meshes and Shaders @IndigoCode | Uploaded 8 years ago | Updated 54 minutes ago
In this video, I demonstrate how to add load resources from external files over the network. I replace the shaders written in previous tutorials with ones in their own files, and load a complicated mesh from a file.

A live demo is available at http://www.kamaron.me/tutorial-live/webgl/04-loading-external-files/

In this series, I will not be using any external libraries like Three.JS. These tutorials are intended for people comfortable (but not necessarily experienced) with JavaScript and HTML, with or without any prior graphics programming experience. Ideally, I would like anybody watching my full tutorial set to be able to create a 3D video game from scratch using WebGL.

Source code available at https://github.com/sessamekesh/IndigoCS-webgl-tutorials/tree/8194fa6fbfb44abac0cef9aaa96f906b8a34c9ef
(Repository contains code for all these tutorials - the ones that don't directly build off each other as commits are handled as separate branches)

Good asynchronous JavaScript library (for solving callback hell): https://github.com/caolan/async
Assimp2Json: https://github.com/acgessler/assimp2json
glMatrix library used for math: http://glmatrix.net/

Other fantastic WebGL resources:
WebGL Tutorial 04 - Loading External Meshes and Shaders

WebGL Tutorial 04 - Loading External Meshes and Shaders @IndigoCode