Idolindo | The story of the largest beryl deposit in the world @Idolindo | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 hour ago
During the July vacation, my two students Carlos André and Thiérry and I went on a geological visit to the top of Pedra da Onça, located in the Municipality of Itarana - State of Espírito Santo.
Where it was discovered in 1941, the largest deposit of (beryl) marine water in the world.
More than two tons of marine water (beryl) were discovered in this deposit.
Some of these gems ended up in Queen Elizabeth II's jewelry, there in England.

As stated in some official documents, among the various jewels that are part of the collection of Queen Elizabeth II, a set consisting of a tiara, a bracelet, a brooch, a necklace, a pair of earrings and a ring are made of aquamarines where part of them were extracted from the top of Pedra da Onça, in Itarana, in the central mountain region of Espírito Santo.
Initially, the society was formed and organized by João Azevedo, his brothers Gustavo, Hermelindo, Cantílio, between Levino Gasparini and Luiz Piorotti, a social group that later disbanded with the entry of new relatives, friends and relatives.
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The story of the largest beryl deposit in the world @Idolindo