Idolindo | Technical visit to the micro hydroelectric plant @Idolindo | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
Students from the Professora Aleyde Cosme Elementary and Secondary School, in the municipality of Itarana - ES, visit the Micro Hydroelectric Power Plant in Itarana.
A group of students from the Formative Itinerary: Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency of the State Elementary and High School Professor Aleyde Cosme carried out a technical visit to the Gabrécht Micro Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in Santa Joana, Itarana - Espírito Santo, on April 11, 2023. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the operation and benefits of renewable and sustainable energy production.
The technical visit is part of the Formative Itinerary: Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, a pedagogical (Interdisciplinary) project of the school that aims to provide students with comprehensive and citizenship training, through the study and practice of sustainable alternatives for energy production and consumption.
According to project coordinator Lussandra Marquez Meneghel, “the objective is for students to learn about different ways of generating clean and renewable energy, in addition to developing skills and competencies to work in this professional field”.
The Gabrecht Micro Hydroelectric Plant is an example of a pioneering and innovative initiative in this regard. Built in 1956 by Leopoldo Gabrécht, the first micro plant was expanded and modernized by his son Lorenço Gabrécht, who installed two more units in 1980 and 2008. Today, the plant has two alternators that are moved by the volume of water that passes through the pipe, one at 150 L/second and the other at 300 L/second.
The generated power is 18 KW/h, enough to feed the property's domestic network, in addition to feed machines and water pumps.
The financial cost of installing one of these micro plants is around R$ 50,000.00, according to Lorenço Gabrécht, who has worked as an electrician winding electric motors and generators for over 45 years.
He says he learned the technique at a young age with José Vieira Malta (in memorian) from the city of Itarana and that he even designed and installed several micro plants in other states, such as Minas Gerais and Bahia. He says that the current system has been operating for 43 years, working day and night and that repairs and maintenance are carried out by him.
The form of energy production is considered renewable and sustainable, as it does not generate significant environmental impacts. The diversion in capturing the river volume is minimal, not reaching 5% of the total river volume.
There are no dams or water damming, therefore, it takes advantage of the local topography, being conducted by gravity. The energy is three-phase and alternating current, operating under the same standards as EDP.
The students were impressed with the visit and were able to learn more about the operation and benefits of the micro hydroelectric plant.

“It was very interesting to see how it is possible to generate energy without harming the environment”, said Carlos Simões Lamberti, one of the project's students. “I found it amazing how Mr. Lorenço built everything by himself with few resources”, commented Anna Júlia Carolino Mayer, another student in the group.
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Technical visit to the micro hydroelectric plant @Idolindo