Kathy Loves Physics & History | Spectroscopy Transformed Astronomy, Chemistry & Physics @Kathy_Loves_Physics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
Spectroscopy is how we know what the sun is made of, how helium was discovered and why quantum mechanics began! This is the wild history of how two friends found gold in the sun and changed our world. Check it out!

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Oesper, R Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Journal of Chemical Education vol. 4 No. 4 1927 p. 434-5
Roscoe, H Bunsen Memorial Lecture Royal Institute of London Vol. 16 (1900) p. 442
Bunsen, W recalled by Jensen, W. Robert Bunsens Sweet Tooth p. 8 published in Patterson et. all Characters in Chemistry: A Celebration of the Humanity of Chemistry
Bunsen, R and Kirchhoff, Chemical Analysis by Spectral Observations The Laws of Radiation and Absorption p. 108
Bunsen, R and Kirchhoff, Chemical Analysis by Spectral Observations The Laws of Radiation and Absorption p. 108
Helmholtz, R Gustav Robert Kirchhoff The Open Court Vol. 2 (1889) p. 785
paper is in German but referenced in Brand, J Lines of Light (2017) p. 132
Memoir of Kirchhoff by Helmholtz Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Volume 1889 p 537
Kirchhoff, G On the Relation between the Radiating and Absorbing Powers of Different Bodies for Light and Heat Phil Magazine Vol. 20 Vol. 4 (July, 1860) p. 2
Kirchhoff, G On the Relation between the Radiating and Absorbing Powers of Different Bodies for Light and Heat Phil Magazine Vol. 20 Vol. 4 (July, 1860) p. 12
Kirchhoff, G On the Relation between the Radiating and Absorbing Powers of Different Bodies for Light and Heat Phil Magazine Vol. 20 Vol. 4 (July, 1860) p. 13
referenced in p. 96 Genius Walter Isaacson

The video of the sodium flame making black lines was used with permission from the folks at Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations:

And, as usual, the amazing music is from the fabulous Kim Nalley.
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Spectroscopy Transformed Astronomy, Chemistry & Physics @Kathy_Loves_Physics