Farya Faraji | Sons of Samuil - Epic Slavic Music of Bulgaria @faryafaraji | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 5 hours ago
Vocals and arrangement by Farya Faraji. The melody is pre-existing folk motifs from Bulgaria recorded on the gaida bagpipe, with the defining feature of being in a highly asymettrical rythmic structure which may be confusing for non-Balkaners. These types of rythms are a classic feature of Balkanic music and a testament to its rich complexity.

I added to the music the sound of a šargika-type instrument, as well as lyrics in the Old Church Slavonic language, the language spoken by the Bulgarians at the time the text heard here was written. The text is the Bitola inscription, written in the year 6523 of Eastern Roman reckoning, which matches 1015-1016 of the Gregorian calendar. The inscription was written by Ivan Vladislav, ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire.

Full text in Old Church Slavonic:
Въ лѣто Ѕ҃Ф҃К҃Г҃ отъ створенїа мира обнови сѧ съ градь зидаемъ и дѣлаемъ Їѡаном самодрьжъцемъ блъгарьскомь и помощїѫ и молїтвамї прѣс͠тыѧ владч҃ицѧ нашеѧ Б͠цѧ ї въз()стѫпенїе І҃В҃ і врьховънюю апл҃ъ съ же градь дѣлань бысть на ѹбѣжище и на спс҃енѥ ї на жизнь бльгаромъ начѧть же бысть градь сь Битола м͠ца окто͠вра въ К҃. коньчѣ же сѧ м͠ца ... исходѧща съ самодрьжъць быстъ бльгарїнь родомь ѹнѹкъ Николы же ї Риѱимиѧ благовѣрьнѹ сынь Арона Самоила же брата сѫща ц͠рѣ самодрьжавьнаго ꙗже i разбїсте въ Щїпонѣ грьчьскѫ воїскѫ цр҃ѣ Васїлїа кде же вьзꙙто бы злато ... фоꙙ съжев ... цр҃ь разбїень бы цре҃мь Васїлїемь Ѕ҃Ф҃К҃В҃ г. лтѣ оть створенїѧ мира въ Ключи ї ѹсъпе лѣтѹ семѹ исходꙙщѹ

Parts sung with English translation:
This Tsar was Bulgarian by birth, grandson of the pious Nikola and Ripsimia, son of Aaron, who was brother of Samuil, Tsar of Bulgaria, the two who routed the Greek army of Emperor Basil II at Stipon where gold was taken.
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Sons of Samuil - Epic Slavic Music of Bulgaria @faryafaraji