The HAARP Report | Post Election, Global Cooling Psy Op, Polar Vortex, on 11 03 14 @thehaarpreport9203 | Uploaded November 2014 | Updated October 2024, 3 hours ago.
An "ice age coming" psychological operation is being run on the new Congress, and the American people, just after the mid-term election, on November 4th, 2014.
This video shows how the "Polar Vortex" is being created, using the Baja Haarp transmitter, to create a blockage in the Jetstream, off the coast of southern California.
Also, to prevent any low pressure from forming, in the central Pacific, heavy chemtrail aerosols were sprayed overnight, on November 3rd. By morning, all the sprayed clouds had dried up. This shows that the aerosols created a hot air layer aloft (capping inversion), and the aerosols were used to absorb the water from the cloud tops.
The reason for this psy-op is to convince the new congress, that "global cooling" is happening, when in fact, the Earth is heating at a catastrophic rate. Each square meter of the land, or sea, now retains an EXTRA 2.29 Watts of heat, due to the excess greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. We have only BEGUN to see the heating of the oceans and land. (This extra 2.29 watts is called the "greenhouse gas radiative forcing", and has increased 43% between 2005 and 2011. See page 13, on Summary for Policymakers, here: http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/)
The only way to remove enough greenhouse gas from the atmosphere, to prevent runaway heating, is to fertilize the tropical oceans, with the growth-limiting nutrients. This will trigger plankton blooms, which will sequester the excess carbon, permanently, at the bottom of the sea. The chemtrail planes must STOP spraying the SRM albedo modifiers, which are actually HEATING the planet, and must be converted to drop iron dust over the tropical seas.
The Haarp and chemtrail operators MAY be the counter-party investors, in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange weather futures contracts. These futures contracts are bets on how many "heating degree days" a major city will have during the contract. If someone is able to control how many HDDs a city has, the weather controllers can make million dollar bets, which are guaranteed to pay off, at the end of the contract. This is insider trading, organized crime racketeering. Federal law enforcement must begin investigating these crimes.
People need to contact their city, to find out how much has been invested in CME HDD futures options, as the more your city has spent, the more likely your state will be, to have abnormal, man-made weather events.
Also, the people behind this "ice age coming" psy-op are guilty of genocide, and should be prosecuted under the Rome Statute of the ICC.
Please comment, and forward. Thanks!

One interesting fact: A new study confirms: rain hurts Democrats and helps Republicans. The study found that 1 inch of rain reduces overall turnout by slightly less than 1 percent and cuts the Democratic vote by 2.5 percentage points. (link: sptimes.com/2006/11/04/Worldandnation/Democrats_hope_rain__.shtml)
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Post Election, Global Cooling Psy Op, Polar Vortex, on 11 03 14 @thehaarpreport9203