LPPFusion | Plasma sheet caught by a fast cam - explained by Eric. Aug 13 '2021 @LPPFusion | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
Our first ICCD image of 2021 shows evidence of the oscillations we need to overcome. Switch adjustments will help a lot. This image was from our first shot of 2021 that produced fusion reactions. As we improve the switch functioning, we'll get a lot more fusion.
Plasma sheet caught by a fast cam - explained by Eric. Aug 13 2021Eric explains anode marks after todays shot - Aug 13 21Machining the tungsten cathode: Whats next?Aneutronic FusionFusion Energy Revolution - rap songWhy is LPPFusion the Only Group Working on Focus Fusion?Fiberoptic Troubleshooting, Sun, Oct 3 21-part 5Focus Fusion: Cheap, clean, unlimited energyWhat If We Could Detox The Planet With Fusion Energy?Experiment Preparations; Thu. July 29 21 9PM @LPPFusionThe Big Bang Never Happened The Science of the Censored PapersWhat If We Could Restore The Planet With Fusion Energy?

Plasma sheet caught by a fast cam - explained by Eric. Aug 13 '2021 @LPPFusion