LPPFusion | Fusion Energy Revolution - rap song @LPPFusion | Uploaded 9 months ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Rapping about LPPFusion's faster route to clean, cheap safe, unlimited and decentralized energy. Thanks to Chris J productions, Bolle and Ivy!
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Please join thousands of other investors in supporting LPPFusions fast route to fusion energy : https://wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15! If $200 breaks the bank for you, donate as little as $10 here: https://www.lppfusion.com/subscribe/
Shout out to the team
Whatup Eric
To all the great mans
Ivy, Syed that participated
it couldn't be done without you
and continuin' to go on with the
energy revolution
let's get into it
show me the light
it's the sight
I can see it
as long as
you believe it
achieve it
DPFs lightning hot
Plasmoids help a lot
black holes aren't real
keep the fils on the rods
let me give my eyes
the big bang
never happen' understand, right?
this is history in the makin'
from the bottom, no basement
news breakin'
focus fusion.
dense plasma
mix it up.
you know what happens.
we don't have to talk about
what we already know
hit the flow.
let's go
all for show
appreciations to the team
well, appreciations to the team
cause teamwork
elevating our dreams
shout out to all scientists
do your thing
the result: plasma vortex reigns
bring the heat
bring the pressure
bind them particles together
call in Tesla
focus on getting better
using power from
the stars that power Earth
do your research
fusion's not a myth
what is worth
took a risk
in my own time
Eric Lerner, here's your props
and every scientist
who's working around the clock
you are boss
put it together
let the universe talk
have the proof
don't lock it away in the vault
focus fusion
dense plasma
mix it up
you know what happens
we don't have to talk about
what we already know
hit the flow
let's go
all for show
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Fusion Energy Revolution - rap song @LPPFusion