Jazoon TechDays | Paige Bailey - Applied AI: Real-world use cases for Microsoft's Azure Cognitive Services @jazoontechdays9624 | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
Want to harness the power of machine learning, but don't have a team of data scientists on staff? Microsoft's Azure Cognitive Services API has you covered! Infuse your apps, websites, and bots with intelligent algorithms to see, hear, speak, understand and interpret your user needs – and use the language you feel comfortable with (JavaScript, Java, C#, Python, more!). Data Science and Machine Learning is just a single API call away.

In this talk, we’ll be walking through applied examples of Vision, Knowledge, Language, Speech, and Search. How can you use a smile unlock functionality in your website? Which pictures show a “cute fennec fox” versus a "cute red panda"? What does "Ich bin ein Berliner" mean in plain Mandarin? How many of the X-Men wear glasses? Learn the answers to these questions, and walk away with a collection of Jupyter notebooks with basic implementations of every Cognitive Service offering!
Paige Bailey - Applied AI: Real-world use cases for Microsofts Azure Cognitive ServicesAaron Blohowiak - Availability, Latency and Cost: Withstanding OutagesCharity Majors - Observability for Emerging Infra: What Got You Here Won’t Get You ThereJazoon Spring 2016 Bern: Luca Mezzalira - The evolution of frontend architecturesChristoph Körner - Run Deep Learning models in the browser with JavaScript and ConvNetJSUri Shaked - Getting physical with Web BluetoothJason  Kneen - Building a cross-platform native app with JavaScriptTracy Lee - Understanding Startup Pains and How To Overcome ThemBrian Holt - Proposals in this day & age, taking steps to the next stage

Paige Bailey - Applied AI: Real-world use cases for Microsoft's Azure Cognitive Services @jazoontechdays9624