Jazoon TechDays | Brian Holt - Proposals in this day & age, taking steps to the next stage @jazoontechdays9624 | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Were all pretty stoked about ES6 / ES2015 and all the features weve recently added the language. JavaScript really has taken a step into the modern era and embraced its role as the language being in almost every contexts, from the Internet of Things to the server to your TV.

Beyond what language features did for JavaScript, perhaps its most contribution is it started the yearly release cylce for revisions of JavaScript. With the march of progress ever moving forward it can be overwhelming to keep track of whats in the pipeline. Well go over the process of how a feature makes it into the language and highlight some of my and the JavaScript standardization committees favorite features upcoming in JavaScript.
Brian Holt - Proposals in this day & age, taking steps to the next stage

Brian Holt - Proposals in this day & age, taking steps to the next stage @jazoontechdays9624