javidx9 | OLC Community Showcase 2018 #1 @javidx9 | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Thanks to all you great coders! This video shows what you guys have been up to over the last 3 months. If it is somehow related to the output of this channel, then let others see it!

Blog: http://www.onelonecoder.com
Twitter: @javidx9
Twitch: javidx9
OLC Community Showcase 2018 #1Coding Quickie: Isometric TilesDIY Programming Language #1: The Shunting Yard Algorithm8-Bits of Advice for New Programmers (The stuff they dont teach you in school!)One Lone Coder - Channel IntroductionQuirky Quad Trees Part 2: Dynamic Objects In TreesDIY Programming Language #2: Tokenising with Finite State MachineIntrinsic Functions - Vector Processing ExtensionsCode-It-Yourself! First Person Shooter (Quick and Simple C++)Code-It-Yourself! Role Playing Game Part #1NES Emulator Part #3: Buses, RAMs, ROMs & MappersTwo Minute Review: Dear Esther (PS4 GAME)

OLC Community Showcase 2018 #1 @javidx9