IBM Research | Laying the Groundwork for Quantum Powered Use Cases @ibmresearch | Uploaded 9 months ago | Updated 1 hour ago
Maturing quantum computers will require the computing community to think about problems in new ways, and to explore how we might use utility-scale quantum processors to map harder, more interesting problems onto qubits. This session will feature several demos of early quantum use cases, and show how researchers are incorporating tools like error mitigation to achieve accurate results.

Speakers: Dorit Aharonov, Yuri Alexeev, Sajant Anand, Elisa Baumer, Mike Biercuk, Riddhi Gupta, Nicolas Lorente, Sabrina Maniscalco, Martin Savage, Sarah Sheldon, Oles Shtanko, Maika Takita, Nobu Yoshioka, Guo-Yi Zhu

Learn more about IBM Quantum System Two, and other hardware and software for the era of quantum utility: https://research.ibm.com/blog/quantum-roadmap-2033

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Laying the Groundwork for Quantum Powered Use Cases @ibmresearch