IBM Research | Building Towards Quantum Centric Supercomputing @ibmresearch | Uploaded 9 months ago | Updated 2 hours ago
Since we first released our development roadmap in 2020, we’ve had ambitious plans for how to scale quantum hardware, and have consistently hit our technology milestones. At this session, we will debut Condor, our first superconducting quantum processor to break 1,000 qubits. We’ll review the progress we’re making toward quantum-centric supercomputing, including how we're setting an additional target of building a 100,000 qubit system by 2033. We’ll also give a deep dive into IBM Quantum System Two and show our vision for the quantum data center of the future.

Speakers: David Bryant, Antonio Córcoles, Jerry Chow, Andrew Cross, Christy Tyberg

Learn more about IBM Quantum System Two, and other hardware and software for the era of quantum utility: https://research.ibm.com/blog/quantum-roadmap-2033

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Building Towards Quantum Centric Supercomputing @ibmresearch