Jazoon TechDays | Jazoon Spring 2016 Bern: Ben Lesh - Managing Async With Observables @jazoontechdays9624 | Uploaded 8 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
All web applications must deal with asynchrony: User events, animations, data retrieval and more. As web applications get more advanced and jump beyond desktop browsers into things like mobile devices and SmartTVs, the demand to handle asynchrony cleanly and efficiently is only increasing.

In the past, frameworks have focused on using callbacks and promises as the asynchronous primitives of choice. Now that focus has shift to Observables in many cases because of their flexibility and compositional nature.

In this talk we’ll discuss:
– What an Observable is and how it differs from a Promise.
– How Observables can benefit your application
– A demonstration of using Observables to maintain a connection over spotty internet service.
– RxJS 5 beta and how it differs from RxJS predecessors.
Jazoon Spring 2016 Bern: Ben Lesh - Managing Async With ObservablesMike Brevoort - Enterprise Chatbots (using messaging and AI to build novel user interfaces for work)Mike North - Bridging the gap between mobile web and native developmentRachid Zarouali - Docker Security: Start your Container Journey SafelyPaige Bailey - Applied AI: Real-world use cases for Microsofts Azure Cognitive ServicesAaron Blohowiak - Availability, Latency and Cost: Withstanding OutagesCharity Majors - Observability for Emerging Infra: What Got You Here Won’t Get You ThereJazoon Spring 2016 Bern: Luca Mezzalira - The evolution of frontend architecturesChristoph Körner - Run Deep Learning models in the browser with JavaScript and ConvNetJSUri Shaked - Getting physical with Web BluetoothJason  Kneen - Building a cross-platform native app with JavaScriptTracy Lee - Understanding Startup Pains and How To Overcome Them

Jazoon Spring 2016 Bern: Ben Lesh - Managing Async With Observables @jazoontechdays9624