Bill Schlegel | Is the God-man Jesus Trans-natured, Non-Binary? @billschlegel1 | Uploaded June 2021 | Updated October 2024, 14 minutes ago.
In this episode I examine parallels between modern deviant gender and sexual claims and the claims of traditional Christianity for a dual-natured (God and man) Christ. The parallels are striking, and suggest the dual-natured Christ of traditional Christianity is a deviation, a perversion of the true.
1. A non-binary gender claim is that being one gender does not exclude a person from being another gender. Being a female does not exclude a person from being male. The male / female boundary can be crossed over by the same person. There is fluidity between genders. One can move back and forth between genders, or be both genders at the same time.

Likewise, the traditional Christian Jesus is non-binary in that he is both God and human. The traditional Christian Jesus has fluidity. He is not limited by the border between God and humanity. He can be both God and human at the same time. Sometimes the divine Jesus may speak, other times the human Jesus speaks.

2. Also, reality is not about appearances. Reality is about who we really are. A woman may have the body of a female, she may appear to be a woman. But what matters is what is inside, who this person really is. Inside she can be male, or again she has fluidity to be male or female “inside”.
Likewise, according to traditional Christianity, Jesus had a human body. He lived on this earth. He walked like a man, he talked like a man, and his body even died. But inside he really wasn’t a man. Inside he was really God.
3. Distorted gender claims change the meaning of pronouns. Along with the attempt to eliminate gender boundaries, a gay or transgender person wants to be referred to with a different gendered pronoun. A person who is really a he wants to be referred to as he.

Non-binary gender persons want to not only change the gender in the pronoun, but want to change the number in the pronoun. Even though Demi Lovato is one person, she wants to be referred to with the plural pronouns “they” and “them”.

Likewise, traditional Christianity confuses the number in the pronoun in which God is referred to. The traditional Christian God is three persons, “they”, but the Trinitarian three person God is universally referred to, confusedly, as “he” or “him”. Let me read a couple of verses and ask how many persons are involved when the Bible speaks of God.

Deut. 4:35 “יהוה He is God, there is no other besides him.
How many persons are in the pronouns “he” and “him”?
Isaiah 45:5: “I am יהוה and there is no other. Besides me there is no other god.
How many persons are in the pronouns “I” and “me”?

4. As liberal and progressive movements have hijacked language and changed the meaning of words, so has traditional Christianity. Even the word “Christian” has been changed to mean something that it does not mean. In the Bible it was used to mean someone who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. But now the word has been transformed to refer to someone who believes that Jesus is God. Someone who believes that Jesus is God should more truthfully be called a “theosian” or a “deusian”.

Trinitarian and deity of Christ believer, could it be that as modern views about gender and sex are a perversion and a deviation from the truth, so is your view of God and His Messiah? Could it be that the same spirit that wants to erase gender boundaries is the spirit that wants to erase the boundary between God and man? Is your dual natured Jesus a non-binary, fluid Jesus? Is the traditional Christian Jesus really a “liberal, progressive” Jesus, a perversion of the true Messiah Jesus of Nazareth?

Could it be that God and His Messiah look upon this deviation from whom they really are with the same disapproval that they view the perversion of gender and sex?
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Is the God-man Jesus Trans-natured, Non-Binary? @billschlegel1