xBurningBrightly | ❝Impossible Company❞ MEP Collection ˢᵉᵖᵗᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²³ @xBurningBrightly | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 4 minutes ago
I think September was definitely the worst month of the year at least so far. :|

So my grandpa's place and house #2 (new house) closed on August 31st. We moved my grandpa's stuff during the first week... We were also packing our own stuff. We moved our beds to house #2 on the 9th and slept here for 3 nights before everything blew up on Wednesday.

I don't remember if I mentioned my grandpa's new girlfriend last month, but anyway... He has a girlfriend whom he's known for a year. She got divorced from her second husband a year and a half ago (not sure when her first divorce was). She is 16 years younger than my grandpa and looks younger than my mom and aunt. Her grandkids are the age of my grandpa's great-grandkids. We met her on the 10th because my grandpa wanted her to go to lunch with all of us. Other than that, we had only briefly seen her while helping my grandpa move.

My grandpa was saying they weren't dating. Honestly, it was really uncomfortable at lunch. He was saying that gymnastics is his favorite sport (he hates it) and some stuff about golf (which he also hates), so he was flat-out lying to her. He was saying like, oh they only sit and watch TV and sometimes hold hands, and they go out to eat and he pays for her. THAT IS DATING. At least it's dating nowadays.

Anyway, my mom agreed to meet with her because my grandpa wanted her to, so she texted my grandpa. She and my dad met with Sue that day and thought it went okay. She said that all of the problems she has now will just be worse later. My grandpa has bad shoulders plus several other medical problems, is very argumentative, and always has to have his way and stuff. Sue said that my grandpa would marry her today if he said yes, and he'd asked her multiple times. My mom said she would never feel comfortable "giving her blessing" for them to get married. So Sue later called my grandpa and "broke things off". Then my grandpa called my mom and was yelling at her like "Don't move another stick of furniture to my house," "It's my money," and a bunch of other garbage.
To explain that, he bought house #2 while we're fixing up our house to sell, and then my parents were going to buy it from him but for less because he's living with us now.

We snuck in to get our kitties, medicine, and some other things before staying for a few nights at our house on air mattresses, couch cushions, and chairs. We already had movers scheduled for Saturday and things seemed... okay at least, so we continued moving stuff. Then our floor got refinished and a window replaced. My uncle flew out here to see if he could help straighten things out with my grandpa.

My grandpa and Sue have been off and on again at least five times. She says she wants space, he shows up at her place the next day to replace a knob on a cabinet. Tomorrow, he's driving like an hour away to meet with her sisters and her financial advisor??? We live together now, but we saw him more when we didn't live together. I've seen him four times now in the past week and a half and twice was because of already scheduled things (lawyer and my nephew's 1-year-old pictures). He leaves between 7-8AM, and he's been getting back between 10-11PM.

Lowkey kind of feels like he ditched us. He also decided he wanted the money he was going to put towards the house back to take with him to Sue. Literally, my parents would have a higher mortgage at 8%, rather than lower at 2.75%. My grandpa plans on marrying someone within a year, maybe Sue. We moved here for my parents to have a paid-off house and because my grandpa didn't feel comfortable living alone anymore. Both of those reasons are basically dead now.

We still haven't talked to my grandpa about moving back, but my mom does not want to be here anymore and I don't either. I just want to go home... She's worried because he paid for the floors and window, and he's going to pay for the painting. If we say something now, he might not pay for the painting, and he might want the rest back. We literally don't even have money to pay for a truck to move back right now...

In other news, my foot is still broken but the screws are holding it together. I definitely have 4+ more weeks until I can work. My mom went to the ER for an infection. I got 4 inches of hair cut off.
My brother and I saw Blue Beetle and Gran Turismo in theaters. I read a few fanfics, but not much... Avatar, Pokemon, Stranger Things, and BNHA.
Our floors at house #1 look really good. My grandpa is trying to take down our chandeliers upstairs and repaint my pink bedroom and I'm like NO.

September was the anniversary of when a friend of mine and my mom passed... She committed suicide, and every time I think of her, I hate people. She was a target of bullying.

So yeah. September sucked and I don't think October will be much better. I really hate life rn.

info; tba

1. Impossible
2. Breathe Easy
3. Born for This
4. Driver's License
5. Company
6. Heart
7. Let Me Move You
8-9. The Last of the Real Ones
❝Impossible Company❞ MEP Collection ˢᵉᵖᵗᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²³「 OS 」King & Lionheart ❄ SS for BrendaIzuOcha  ▪  Baby One More Time❝Sorry For Your Loss❞ ᴰᵉᶜᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²³MEP PART REEL || 2023 ❝Sending out a searchlight...❞「Pokemon」Catch Me ▪ Rocketshipping Day 2020 ♥Who Do You Love? ❄ SS for Maddie❝Levitating❞ WALL-E x EVE ♥❝Everybody Loves Cupid❞ ᴬᵘᵍᵘˢᵗ ²⁰²²Im a Mess ❄ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ ˢᵃⁿᵗᵃ ᶠᵒʳ ᴳᶦⁿ❝Before you go❞ [Marley & Me]  RIP Rosieghost of you. ʳᶦᵖ ˢᶜᵃʳˡᵉᵗᵗ

❝Impossible Company❞ MEP Collection ˢᵉᵖᵗᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²³ @xBurningBrightly