See the Pattern | Humans Evolved More Efficient Brains! Why? @SeethePattern | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
Humans Evolved More Efficient Brains! Why?

What makes the human brain so special? Other animals show remarkable intelligence especially when we compare the size of the brain to that of the human. So is there some fundamental difference in the brain of humans compared to that of other mammals? Pinning down this difference has been very difficult but now a team of researchers from MIT have found a remarkable difference and it's all to do with the flow of ions... Let's dive in and find out more.

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00:00 Introduction
00:37 Difference between Human and Mammal Brains
03:00 Why is there a difference?
04:22 Human Brain Smaller compared to our Ancestors
05:03 Why did it get smaller?
05:40 Are both related to each other?
06:46 Yuga Cycle comparison
07:27 Evidence of brain size changes in mammals post Cataclysm
08:00 Summary

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Humans Evolved More Efficient Brains! Why? @SeethePattern