See the Pattern | UNEXPLAINED Problems with the Sun - LMH Sun Part 1 @SeethePattern | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 10 hours ago
There are many unexplained problems with our current model of the Sun. Pierre-Marie Robitaille has a radically different concept where the Sun is composed of Liquid Metallic Hydrogen (LMH). How is this different from the mainstream model and from the electric sun model? He has numerous videos on sky scholar that makes a good case for the problems with the current model but none that really explain the full working of the model. So I decided to dive into his papers and examine his model in some depth. In this series, I want to recap the main issues with the current model but this by no means covers the breadth that Robitaille covers in his papers so I would encourage you to read these as well. I will link these below in the description. A key assumption that underpins this concept is metallic hydrogen, so I also want to examine the current state of this research. Finally, I will outline his liquid metallic hydrogen model and discuss my thoughts on it. We will start in this episode with a look at the main problems with the mainstream model of the Sun.

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UNEXPLAINED Problems with the Sun - LMH Sun Part 1 @SeethePattern