Grants Pass TV Repair | Fuse Identification Mystery Marking Revealed. Slow Blow Vs Fast Blow Used In Electronics Repair. @GrantsPassTVRepair | Uploaded 8 years ago | Updated 2 hours ago
In this video I talk about the different kinds of fuses I've encountered in my Electronics Repair business, and some of the misconceptions myself and others have had in being able to identify slow Vs fast blowing fuses by appearance alone. Especially pertaining to Ceramic Fuses which aren't necessarily slow blowing.
I said something incorrect in this video concerning the use of a lower voltage fuse where it calls for a higher voltage one. I thought it was probably okay but I've since been informed it's not a good idea. It's generally okay to use a higher voltage fuse in place of a lower voltage original, but it's not recommended you use a lower voltage fuse where it calls for a higher voltage fuse.
Fuse Identification Mystery Marking Revealed.  Slow Blow Vs Fast Blow Used In Electronics Repair.Sceptre X409BV Repair Case History Using An Infrared Heat Sensor.No antenna can help at this location, but look at this old car collection.Weak TV Tuners, & Celll Phone Interference Filters.Rocks That Detect Radio Broadcasts.Building Resonant TV Antennas, WRONG MATH. SEE INFO SECTION.Thor Ace Motorhome Monitor RepairElectrically Conductive Paint that really worksCut the cord and get free TV. Here are some options.Isolation Transformers can save your life, and your equipment.Hidden Thermal Fuses in Transformers. Please watch update also!Fuel pump diagnosis while driving.

Fuse Identification Mystery Marking Revealed. Slow Blow Vs Fast Blow Used In Electronics Repair. @GrantsPassTVRepair