Fukushima Nuclear Safety Questions for TEPCO, More Nuke plant Troubles update 11/28/12  @MsMilkytheclown
Fukushima Nuclear Safety Questions for TEPCO, More Nuke plant Troubles update 11/28/12  @MsMilkytheclown
MsMilkytheclown | Fukushima Nuclear Safety Questions for TEPCO, More Nuke plant Troubles update 11/28/12 @MsMilkytheclown | Uploaded August 2016 | Updated October 2024, 5 hours ago.
NRA to question TEPCO executives:
Officials of Japan's nuclear regulatory body are set to question executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company over safety policies at its nuclear plants.
The Nuclear Regulation Authority, or NRA, held a meeting on Wednesday and discussed a recent series of problems at nuclear plants operated by TEPCO.
At the No. 5 reactor of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture, the utility found warps in the water-cooling pipes inside 18 spent-fuel assemblies.
TEPCO reported the tubes may have been warped by excessive force when workers moved the fuel assemblies.
Other troubles and violations of the law have been reported since the nuclear accident in Fukushima in March last year.
On Tuesday last week, water leakage was reported on a line that purifies wastewater at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
NRA Chairman Shunichi Tanaka said his officials will question company executives about the matter.

Tanaka said TEPCO has systemic problems and he cannot dispel doubts over its safety awareness.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: that when the big Earthquake hit March 11, 2011, Kashiwanzai-Kariwa spilled water from it's spent fuel pool - see page 5 pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML0803/ML080310772.pdf

Also, earlier problems with a May 13, 2008 Earthquake http://www.aec.gov.tw/www/english/nuclear/files/2008-04.pdf

And ALSO problems, July 16, 2007
Bent Water Rod in Spent Fuel at TEPCO's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuke Plant, No One Knows Why or How

something I did NOT get today: JAPAN'S MOUNT SAKURAJIMA VOLCANO ERUPTS SPEWING ASH TODAY (NOV 29, 2012) youtube.com/watch?v=Ml8dTVwJIHI&feature=em-uploademail

Local govts to allow tainted soil storage survey

Hackers access IAEA e-mail addresses

Anonymous leaks all NRC e-mail addresses
link to download e-mail addresses mediafire.com/download/pl1r8z6nhmt8i56/ML11216A297+All+NRC.gov+employee+email+addresses.txt
link to entire folder mediafire.com/?6uq544xz7go0o

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DEGRADED CONDITION DUE TO PINHOLE LEAK IN REACTOR HEAD SPRAY LINE nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/event-status/event/en.html

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Fukushima Nuclear Safety Questions for TEPCO, More Nuke plant Troubles update 11/28/12 @MsMilkytheclown