Vids4Kids.tv | Fish Truck @vids4kidstv | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 8 hours ago
Once upon a time, there was a blue and yellow fish truck named Finny. Finny was a very fast truck, and he loved to go for rides in the ocean. He could swim as fast as any fish, and he loved to play with the other sea creatures.

One day, Finny was swimming along the ocean floor when he saw a group of fish playing hide-and-seek. Finny decided to join in the fun, and he started to swim around the fish, making his squiggly noise. The fish were surprised to see a truck swimming in the ocean, but they quickly realized that Finny was a lot of fun.

Finny played with the fish for hours, and he had a great time. He even helped the fish find their hiding places. When it was time for Finny to go home, the fish were sad to see him go. But Finny promised to come back and play with them again soon.

Finny swam back to shore, and he parked his truck in his garage. He was tired from all the playing, but he was also happy. He had made some new friends, and he had had a lot of fun.

The next day, Finny went back to the ocean to play with the fish. He played with them every day after that, and he made many more friends. Finny was the happiest truck in the world. #timmystory
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Fish Truck @vids4kidstv